The Great Patriotic War – Prompt #7

Courage, resilience and sacrifice defined the Soviet effort to win in World War II. “The Great Patriotic War” became an all-consuming struggle, mobilizing the hopes and fears of the civilian population in equal measure to the military efforts on the battlefield. Indeed the border between battlefield and home front shifted constantly and was often impossible to discern.

This week, please choose a cultural artifact from the era of World War II and situate it in the broader context of Soviet victory. Why did they fight? How did they win? What were the essential messages of the struggle against Nazi Germany?

Artifact sources: MC (pp. 333-410) and 17 Moments (1943). You will find valuable overlap and context if you look in both places. You should also consult the relevant section of the Russia Reader for background and insight.

Keep working on broadening your source base and linking to interesting ancillary sources and material.