
In 1924, the great Soviet revolutionary and leader Vladimir Lenin passed away, and Joseph Stalin took his place as the head of the Soviet Union. Stalin was determined to expedite the process of making the Soviet Union a true communist society. He and advisors went over several different plans to make this happen, eventually deciding […]

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Swell the Harvest

Hey, Fyodor and Malania, And Avdotia and Pakhom, Let’s strike up a merry song About the sowing season. Hey you, Vanya, best stretch out That accordion past your ears. Why should you be sowing from Your grandpa’s basket in these years. Take a gander in the barn– And it’s mighty nifty How that newfangled machine […]

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Collectivization and Dekulakization in the first Five Year Plan

The first five year plan (1928-32) was a period of fundamental economic transformation. Stalin and the communist party called for the rapid industrialization of Russia and the collectivization of her agriculture. Enormous, unrealistic quotas were set to inspire a complete transformation of Russia’s economy. The collectivization of agricultural production was thought to be a more efficient means of producing grain

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Happy Collectivization Day!

In 1929, following disappointing crop yields, the Party recognized the need to consolidate Soviet farms under the guidance of the government, otherwise known as “collectivization.” Stalin’s First Five-Year Plan was devised in order to modernize the Russian economy and modify the way in which agriculture was handled. In the eyes of the Party, and most […]

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