Comment on Why I Will Not Place a Safe Space Sticker on My Office Door by mhjon88

To answer your question, I have talked to students who are open Trump supporters and heard their concerns about how they are viewed on campus and about safe spaces in particular. I also addressed some of the reasons they are concerned in the post. The social conversation labeling all Trump supporters as racists (etc) is an on going one and the social conversation acknowledging that you can be a Trump supporter and not be a racist (etc) is a young conversation that has not gathered much steam as of yet. Also I have heard some of the instructors who have safe space stickers on their door express sentiments that they believe that Trump supporters must be racists (etc). I know that does not indicate that all instructors who have safe space stickers think all Trump supporters are racists but it is concerning. And despite what you know your personal beliefs to be, what other people perceive you as can have a large impact on you and whether you feel included.

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