Comment on Face the Music and Take Responsibility by Pranav

Let’s start taking some responsibility! That is a very interesting way to end the blog. I really like how you mention that ethics have to be taught not only at the school level but at professional level. I also want to add that it is more important to feel sorry than just saying it because the world wants to hear it. That is the conscience part, and I think it is not something that you can teach. It is something that happens naturally in people when they are around ethically better people. Some qualities, I feel, get imbibed when you are around certain people and that helps a great deal. So, practice of morality and respecting conscience are more important is what I feel.
Great post!

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Comment on 25% 25% 50% by Yang Liu

Great to hear the 25% 25% 50% system in grads. I think the grad system need to basic on the discipline. There is a big difference between the lecture class and the studio class. If one day I will be a teacher and have rights to mark the grads then I will add the teaching section. it is the only available in the small class. After well organised, each student maybe has 20 minutes to do the presentation and teach others a skill relevant the class. It is my imagination. Students will learn more beyond the grads.

Comment on Battle of the Grades. The story of my life! by Yang liu

Thanks for sharing your experience. Different than your background, as a student in art and design, I also experience several exams. Is it ridiculous? Using the score to judge the drawing skills and the good or poor in art history. There is not a right or wrong answer for artworks, even not good or bad. Individuals appreciate the artworks in different aspect and have the various understandings. So, the challenge for the educators is how to guide and push the students explores in art kingdom and shows the effort in an ordinary ways, which all other would easily catch and accept it.