Comment on The Mask for Scientists and Engineers by Pranav

Well, that is a new way for me to look at the ‘mask’ reading. Interesting! I think there is more to the need of fabricating than to please someone, but I understand where you are coming from. It is a pressure for you now as a Ph.D. student, and these pressures would change with the course of time. I totally agree with you when progress and cost-efficiency should not be the guiding axiom. These are comparable with different space and time frames. I think it is important for a scientist to pursue an ideal to bring about a difference in any sphere of life he seeks to influence. Like Ra’s al Ghul points out in Batman Begins: If you truly devote yourself to an ideal, then you become a legend.

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Comment on Stop Overthinking and Take Action by Pranav

Yes, we overthink. We overthink a lot. Instead of putting efforts where they are necessary, we waste a lot of time and energy thinking about consequences. It is weird but we are in a way taught to think like that. In general circumstances, I am pretty sure you heard a lot of people asking you, “Are you sure?” even if it is the right thing to do. Also, we don’t necessarily do anything unless it has some benefit for us. May be we should cater some time to (over)think about helping people around us. Interesting post!

Comment on A Second Chance by Pranav

This is one side of a story. I think, if second chances become a normal consequence to a wrong doing, people might not take the seriousness of the punishment. In professional sports (taking this example), competition is extremely fierce, and the rightful victor must be awarded for the hard work. If there are merciless regulations, sportspersons will compete in fairness, at least for the fear of the punishment. Then, the competition would be fair. I do not think second chances must be given, not in sports nor in any other field. If you make a mistake, you are out.

Comment on Face the Music and Take Responsibility by Pranav

Let’s start taking some responsibility! That is a very interesting way to end the blog. I really like how you mention that ethics have to be taught not only at the school level but at professional level. I also want to add that it is more important to feel sorry than just saying it because the world wants to hear it. That is the conscience part, and I think it is not something that you can teach. It is something that happens naturally in people when they are around ethically better people. Some qualities, I feel, get imbibed when you are around certain people and that helps a great deal. So, practice of morality and respecting conscience are more important is what I feel.
Great post!

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Comment on Embrace the Non-Expert Voices by Pranav

It is an interesting post and I think your mention of economic growth outcompeting environmental issues is absolutely true. Speaking from the perspective of a person from another developing nation (and your neighbor), I think India faces the same problem too. We are focused so much on economical improvement that our environmental concern bucket list is impoverished. People in my country argue that it is now important to focus on basic necessary stuff (like actually getting water) and when then is achieved to a bigger extent we can focus on environmental impacts. I wonder what the philosophy in China is?