Comment on Educated Mind and Heart by Yang liu

I agree that education is one of the remarkable methods to find or recognize the true dream works in mind. It is not easy, and lot so challenge both students and educators faced during the process. The responsibility of education is not only transferred the dream ideas in real-world individually but also helps students to meet and conquer the challenges in 21st century.

Comment on Why Are You Here? by Yang Liu

Usually, for the students in the digital designer, the computer is part of our life. However, in the primary step to record, the creative ideas and concepts, I prefer (most of our art and design students) to use the traditional ways sketching the process. For example, to do an animation both in 3D or 2D, I will draw the keyframes in my sketching book. It is more efficient and comfortable personally to highlight the essential part when I transfer to the digital language.

Comment on Thoughts on Diversity by Yang Liu

The phenomenon you mentioned in class is general in the class discussion section, which the group member from the various cultural backgrounds. Sometimes is a different personality, while, the leading causes is the structure of knowledge in diverse cultural and educational background and experience.Respectation is necessary for all classes. At the same time, the biggest challenge for the international students is present the voice and personal ideas confidentially.

Comment on Won’t We Need to be Able of Critical Thinking Ourselves? by Yang Liu

“Why” is the first word in learned as a child. It is important for the high education and for the educator,” We should encourage students to interrogate all the time what they are learning.” It means, in the class, the teacher is not the only person to transfer the knowledge. Students also would display the positive and negative attitudes towards the information and ideas that teachers demonstrate in class. The voice of students are even essential for the teacher and peer to offer diversity in the class and promote the development in specific scholarly circles.

Comment on The What and the How of Critical Pedagogy by Yang Liu

Thanks all for sharing your experience in classes. It is fascinating, and I know more organized in different courses. I also like the highlight keywords. In my opinion, engagement is the most critical aspects of the art and design class. Teachers transfer the knowledge in course, but the students not only need to understand what the teachers educated but also combine with the individual educational background to develop for the important thing. It is a challenge for both educator and students, which to dialogue and engaging in both ways.

Comment on My Story by Yang Liu

Thanks for sharing your experience. National diversity not only stimulates the development of modern society but also offer a communication opportunity to listening and sharing the stories and experience. Congratulations that women have rights to control the vehicle. As the first time, I study in London. One of my classmates asked that are all man in China still have a long hair? I was totally shocked. “Are you serious, the hairstyle you mentioned is 100-years ago!!!”