Comment on Do you speak English? by Yang Liu

I understand the feeling when someone surprised to hear the fluently English speaking as an international student. It is tough for the international student as teachers in the class through English. We need to spend probably 2-3 times time to prepare. So, the learning environmental creation is important in class, and the different perspective ways to understand is unique and special for the students.

Comment on Let’s Meet Halfway by Yang Liu

The comfortable learning environment is important for both student and educator. In most of the studio class, teacher guide individuals. Due to the different direction and research area that student to explore, it is effective for the process of the project. The tutorial time is a great time for the educator and student to know each other better and show the”Value” in the class.

Comment on My Role as a Teacher by Yang Liu

The responsibility of the educator not only teaching students the knowledge they are not familiar with but also guide the student to connect what they learned with the experience. Especially in the design class, it is hard to judge the good or poor works in rules. In the studio class, teachers training independently and construct a comfortable for the student to communicate with others.

Comment on 25% 25% 50% by Yang Liu

Great to hear the 25% 25% 50% system in grads. I think the grad system need to basic on the discipline. There is a big difference between the lecture class and the studio class. If one day I will be a teacher and have rights to mark the grads then I will add the teaching section. it is the only available in the small class. After well organised, each student maybe has 20 minutes to do the presentation and teach others a skill relevant the class. It is my imagination. Students will learn more beyond the grads.

Comment on Battle of the Grades. The story of my life! by Yang liu

Thanks for sharing your experience. Different than your background, as a student in art and design, I also experience several exams. Is it ridiculous? Using the score to judge the drawing skills and the good or poor in art history. There is not a right or wrong answer for artworks, even not good or bad. Individuals appreciate the artworks in different aspect and have the various understandings. So, the challenge for the educators is how to guide and push the students explores in art kingdom and shows the effort in an ordinary ways, which all other would easily catch and accept it.

Comment on Mindful Learning and the Role of Higher Education by Yang Liu

Most of the class in art and design is like the class you describe. We have the short lecture every two or three weeks. But we have a tutorial in every class with professor to show the process of the works. During the first semester, the professor will show the study plan and highlight the projects we need to follow. Then the task for us is focused on our projects. We will teach the basic skills of the program and discuss with the professor. The professor will highlight the comments on the direction section. It is the typical learning model in the art and design studio class.

Comment on Mindless vs Mindful Learning – My experience in Australia by Yang Liu

Great experience to explain the importance to combine the mindfulness and mindless learning together. Mindless learning relies on the academic environment, which is important during the primary step of learning the step. But the mindfulness learning is more essential for the student in the high educational level. Even for the researcher, scheduling the lists to explore and understand the unfamiliar section is more easy to archive.