Comment on No simple recipe for education by zlwang

Quote of Hjørland, B., & Albrechtsen, H. (1995). P4- Toward a new horizon in information science: Domain-analysis. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 46(6), 400–425.;2-Y
“.. the dialectical tradition and the theory of scientific paradigms by Thomas Kuhn. McGarry expresses it in this way: ‘ Knowledge is a cultural entity and keeps shifting its pattern like a kaleidoscope. An emergence of the new knowledge modifies the structure of the whole. Contrary to H.E.Bliss(1870-1955) there is no permanent order in knowledge. ‘pattern is new every moment’ said T. S. Eliot (1888-1965), with a poetic vision (McGarry, 1991).”

Comment on No simple recipe for education by zlwang

Quote of Hjørland, B., & Albrechtsen, H. (1995). P4- Toward a new horizon in information science: Domain-analysis. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 46(6), 400–425.;2-Y
“There is no one single adequate textbook. Massive as they often are, they tend to be written from the point of view of a particular practitioner and to omit whole areas of research activity. Thus the standard text from an interactionist viewpoint (Denzin, 1979) is weak on problems of measurement and statistical techniques of analysis.”

Comment on Networked Learning: Moving Forward, Going Backwards by zlwang

Hi Carlos, I like that you mentioned digital innovation. Usually, we would think that digital innovation is the business of the IT domain. Yet, using an innovative digital product does not always get people much more value or meaning if they are still doing things in similar ways. The IT domain gives us opportunities, but it is us the users who get value out of a technology. Just like blogging has been there for years, still people do not know much about its potential in education. It takes effect only when there is a well-investigated and designed teaching strategy by the teacher and when students are really “experiencing” it.