Comment on How many times can you afford to fail? by admin

Hi Sarah, thanks for sharing your thoughts! I find your experience so relatable to my graduate school experience, specially since I started working on my research after completing the course requirements. I think it has been possible because there is not really any way to get an F or an A in research; I stopped being less conscious about it! I agree that even though the experience causes a lot of stress over the course of time, research is more like following a “trial-error-further improvement” approach, keep at it and eventually developing a “thick-skin” like you did! Thanks,

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Comment on How many times can you afford to fail? by admin

Thank you for your comments Arash! I agree with you that as an educator, it is our responsibility to ensure an welcoming and safe environment for our students as well as help them to grow and learn from their mistakes/ failures. When I become a professor (someday!), that is the strategy I am going to utilize for my students (micro-level) even if I cannot necessarily do the same for everyone else outside my class (at a macro-level). Having said that, I am hopeful that the micro-level contribution of dedicated #gedivt peers can definitely lead a pathway towards macro-level improvement.

On this note, I would like to mention one of my very favorite quote by Margaret Mead : “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. “

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