Comment on The Best Class I Ever Took by cdblogweb

I took this class as an undergrad as well and I have to say as an engineer this was the only non math/science course that I truly enjoyed. Not only did he come up with a great outline for the course that really allowed students to take control of the way they learned but he also was just so enthusiastic about what he was talking about it made me want to learn more!


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Comment on The Best Class I Ever Took by cdblogweb

I took this class as an undergrad as well and I have to say as an engineer this was the only non math/science course that I truly enjoyed. Not only did he come up with a great outline for the course that really allowed students to take control of the way they learned but he also was just so enthusiastic about what he was talking about it made me want to learn more!


Comment on Why Lectures are Important by cdblogweb

I definitely agree about courses taught by professors who have experience in the field. I think it is very important to understand how what we are learning in classes can actually be applied to real world situations, this is why it is great when your professor can give you examples from work that they have actually been involved in. For me it helps motivate me, knowing how useful concepts I am learning will be in the future.
