Comment on The Ethical Dilemma of Ethical Dilemmas by cdblogweb

I completely agree that ethics needs to be emphasized more. I don’t remember discussing ethics at all throughout undergrad at Virginia Tech aside from maybe one class during intro to engineering course. I took the Ethics class (CEE 5804) that Haoran mentioned and I definitely recommend it to anyone interested in ethics. You don’t have to be in engineering to take the course!


Comment on Current Education System Creates Short Attention Span by cdblogweb

I really like your final sentence “Google is a great tool to find basic information, but sole reliant on it will hamper the creative thought process.” I find sometimes its more convenient to look up common constants used in my engineering equations or the molar mass of elements I don’t typically work with on google when I’m working through a problem rather than trying to go back through my notes. However, if I am stuck on a problem and need to figure out how to work though it is much more beneficial to go back and reference my notes or a text book to make sure I actually understand what I am doing. On of my biggest issues with google is the fact that it has become so easy for students to just google their homework questions and find the exact solution that they can just copy down. This completely hinders the learning process and pretty much defeats the purpose of assigning homework.


Comment on Multi-Tasking Has Become A Necessary Skill for A Scholar by cdblogweb

Great post! I 100% agree that multi-tasking has become a part of life for graduate students. I always feel like I need to manage my time better so that I can focus on one project or assignment at a time but I have yet to figure out how. Even if I’m not actually working on two things at once I am always thinking about what I need to do for something else while I am still finishing up a different task.


Comment on Multi-Tasking Has Become A Necessary Skill for A Scholar by cdblogweb

Great post! I 100% agree that multi-tasking has become a part of life for graduate students. I always feel like I need to manage my time better so that I can focus on one project or assignment at a time but I have yet to figure out how. Even if I’m not actually working on two things at once I am always thinking about what I need to do for something else while I am still finishing up a different task.


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Comment on A deserved pain? by cdblogweb

I liked that you pointed out that “We can’t just discuss inclusive pedagogy within the majorities. We should hear from their voices and let them express their concerns. We should bring the contradictory arguments to the table so that we can understand the underlying rationale.” In order to truly understand the other side of the story you need to hear it from the source. Sure you can read articles and books about poverty and diversity but nothing can compare to what you can learn from someone who has actually experienced hardship. To be able to ask questions and truly engage is the best way to learn and evolve.


Comment on Good Morning Class! My Name is… by cdblogweb

Thanks for sharing your story! This is something that I hadn’t thought about yet. I have only been a TA for a course where I just held homework help session. So for that class I just went by my first name, mostly because I didn’t really think about it but that’s probably because I didn’t feel like I needed to show authority. I was a TA my final semester as an undergrad and most of the students were sophomores but I remember there was one grad student in the class who was definitely older than me which made me feel a little weird at first. I probably still have another year before I will actually teach a class on my own, so I guess I have some time to figure it out but to be honest right now I’m not sure what I will end up doing.


Comment on Let the blog shaming begin by cdblogweb

I agree with pretty much everything you said in your blog. I really like that you pointed out how learning is a two-way street. Yes, professors need to try to be engaging and they should try to teach in a way that students can connect and understand, but students need to be willing to learn and want to be there in order for a course to be truly effective. Throughout my college career I’ve had some courses where I was just not interested (mostly general education courses) and I did not put in the effort that I should have. Perhaps, if the professors’ lectures were more engaging, I would have put more effort into my learning. I think that when you go into a class with the mindset of, “I just want to get this over with so I can move on” you’re not going to get much out of the class, no matter how good the professor is. I have also had courses where I didn’t particularly like my professors’ teaching style. There was one higher level engineering course where the professor spent the whole time writing on the board and I spent the whole time writing as fast as I could so I didn’t miss anything (this wasn’t a huge class probably fewer than 30 students). While I found this class extremely difficult to keep up with, I put in the extra effort to go to office hours and spend time working through problems with my professor because it was a topic that interested me. I found that my professor was much better at explaining things one-on-one than he was during class and I felt that I really got a lot out of the course because I took the initiative to get the help that I needed.


Comment on The Best Class I Ever Took by cdblogweb

I took this class as an undergrad as well and I have to say as an engineer this was the only non math/science course that I truly enjoyed. Not only did he come up with a great outline for the course that really allowed students to take control of the way they learned but he also was just so enthusiastic about what he was talking about it made me want to learn more!


Comment on The Best Class I Ever Took by cdblogweb

I took this class as an undergrad as well and I have to say as an engineer this was the only non math/science course that I truly enjoyed. Not only did he come up with a great outline for the course that really allowed students to take control of the way they learned but he also was just so enthusiastic about what he was talking about it made me want to learn more!


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Comment on Why Lectures are Important by cdblogweb

I definitely agree about courses taught by professors who have experience in the field. I think it is very important to understand how what we are learning in classes can actually be applied to real world situations, this is why it is great when your professor can give you examples from work that they have actually been involved in. For me it helps motivate me, knowing how useful concepts I am learning will be in the future.
