Comment on GMO (game-manifested outcomes) Learning by ktsoukalas

Video games could help learners ‘take things apart’ without the cost of buying physical things. Nevertheless, it takes a lot of resources to create high-quality simulations of physical things. I would love to learn with video game simulations, in fact I would love to learn how to fly an airplane, but I don’t have the money to pay for that education and did not think of investing my money to such an education. Until now… ?


Comment on Academic Responsibility-Who’s To Blame? by ktsoukalas

I would agree that grades may demotivate learners from pursuing to expand their knowledge in a field they lack competence, because of the fear of failure. Universities offer the possibility to audit classes, but it does not seem to be part of the plan of studies for the majority of students. Then again who gets a D? Also a graduate student may drop instead of getting a C. Which is why they might be demotivated from pushing against their knowledge boundaries. Which does not ‘feel’ flattering for the institution of education.
