Comment on Attention! Can I have your attention please! by katherine phetxumphou

I definitely see how multitasking can get overwhelming, but I do agree that we must find a balance. In this fast pace world of higher education, graduate students must learn to adapt to research, school, peers, advisers, volunteer work, while also having a social life. Oh, and sometimes, we have to remember to eat. We all have been there! I think technology has significantly helped us with multitasking. For example, I can read for class on my phone while also listening to music and eating dinner!

Comment on FAST IS NOT ALWAYS A GOOD THING by katherine phetxumphou

I absolutely agree with your post. The internet or Google per say may be bad for our brains. Most of the semester, we had discussions on how the classroom does not require much critical thinking and that we must change that; however, having Google at our finger tips eliminates the need for us to critically think. We can simply search for the answer and then go about our day! But if you asked me, I wouldn’t trade Google for anything!

Comment on FAST IS NOT ALWAYS A GOOD THING by katherine phetxumphou

I absolutely agree with your post. The internet or Google per say may be bad for our brains. Most of the semester, we had discussions on how the classroom does not require much critical thinking and that we must change that; however, having Google at our finger tips eliminates the need for us to critically think. We can simply search for the answer and then go about our day! But if you asked me, I wouldn’t trade Google for anything!

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Comment on How much time do you spend on the internet/day? by katherine phetxumphou

I totally agree when you say we use the internet to alleviate “feeling things like boredom and anxiety.” However, I have found that the internet has contributed to my procrastination and decreased my work ethic. Before the internet was so easily accessible, I would do productive work to curve my boredom, but now, I just sign into Facebook or surf the web endlessly. And because I am so preoccupied with the internet, I often put off my work, which leads to cramming and then increased anxiety. I guess its a lose lose situation.


Comment on Teach Less by katherine phetxumphou

I love your analogy that students are not bank account for depositing information. However, a student’s job is to learn, but the learning methodology may not as effective. So what can we do? Have you seen the videos where the teachers engage with the students by remaking lessons into lyrics and using the music of the student’s favorite songs? It a different teaching method, but one history teacher reported that his students scored higher on their tests. Maybe teachers need to evolve as the next generation of students evolve. I find that when I can relate to someone or something more, it is more appealing to me, and I’m intrigued to learn more.


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