Comment on Teaching: Who I am, What I Do by yousefjalaliblog

Very good point! I think students specially undergraduates and in particular in earlier years might get anxious as they face with a different style that perhaps most of them are not used to. My concern though is not rigidity in grading, it’s more structure of the course. I think having proper structure in place, instructor can play an important role in changing the culture and with helping students to not only get adapted but also enjoy the new condition. Communication is a crucial factor here.


Comment on Do they care about all this time I spend giving feedback? by yousefjalaliblog

I believe the question you posed about whether or not students care about feedback is important and worthy to explore. From my personal experience I can tell absolutely yes, there are some exceptions nevertheless. Thinking about myself as a student and my experience as teacher, I think if student sees her teacher as an individual who cares about her success, she would express more willingness to care and reflect on feedback; though the quality and extent of feedback is completely different issue that may influence this process. Also I remember students who reflected on their experience with me and explicitly appreciated the feedback in teaching evaluation.


Comment on Education Against Inspiration by yousefjalaliblog

I like the way you incorporated influential scholars in your post. Such a journey! I agree with the point you highlighted regarding the necessity for inspiration. Sir Ken Robinson implicitly emphasized the very issue of lack of inspiration with highlighting two important elements of curiosity and creativity to help students in learning process and fulfilling their potentials.


Comment on Investing in the New Culture of Learning by yousefjalaliblog

You discussed a very important issue. The reality is most of faculty members who invest time in research do not have enough time to think about the quality of learning, granted they care about this. Part of this comes from institutional structure which creates pressure on faculty, and in particular those who started the journey. Perhaps initiatives like the one you mentioned can be one approach that institutions can adopt to highlight the importance of teaching and learning.


Comment on Online learning is not effective learning by yousefjalaliblog

Thank you for your thought Britton! I think your concerns regarding online courses are valid, students may miss opportunities to enhance their soft skills, and of course the extent of effectiveness of learning subject matters is under question. Despite all shortcomings, online courses might provide access to many who do not have access to face-face education for a variety of reasons. It can also provide meaningful resources for professional development an life-long learning.
