Author: austinkassman

Comment on Death and Dissolution by austinkassman

Very thought provoking blog post! I think Afghanistan is one of the most interesting countries in our world’s history and has been the focal point for many wars and conflicts for centuries. Having studied the history of Afghanistan last year I find it’s motives to be captured by other states interesting and Russia’s motivation during the 20th century an interesting revolutionary move. Thanks for sharing!

Comment on Bye, Bye Vodka by austinkassman

Really interesting post! It’s amazing the impact alcohol can have on a society. I think you bring up a good perspective on the stereotype that most people have on Russians and their vodka, because honestly I had the same stereotypical perspective as most people do. I also enjoyed your thoughts on wanting what we cannot have. Thanks for sharing!

Comment on A House Provided Must be Planned by austinkassman

Interesting post! This does bring light to a fundamental issue within cities around Russia. The population strain on cities effects the demographics of the region which is an interesting concept that we even see here in the US with segregation issues. Thanks for posting!

Comment on Russian to Space by austinkassman

Cool post! I find space really interesting and you give a different perspective on the “space race” that people don’t really think about when thinking about the cold war. Thanks for sharing!

Comment on Communism…From a Distance by austinkassman

I am not totally sure we could obtain some quantitative value to their overall impact on the force on the ground in Russia during the war, besides of course their kill count. However, I would have to do more research but I would submit by saying there are plenty of stories from the time from Russian infantry men who could tell a story about how snipers improved their urban combat capabilities making their movements through the city more effective and lethal. There are a lot of stories in modern combat, especially in places like Fallujah and Ramadi where combat elements moved under the cover of snipers who supported their movements. This tactic may not have been utilized to it’s full capacity in World War II, but certainly was a start. I have never seen that movie… I will be sure to check it out!

Comment on Killing the Massacre by austinkassman

Alicja, this was a very organized post and I enjoyed how you displayed the sequence of events. I think it was amazing the destruction the military force was able to inflict. Why do you believe the German’s globally announced their findings? Especially when in Germany they had been exterminating millions of people as well.

Comment on Man’s Best Friend is His… Car? by austinkassman

Very interesting post! I never knew the history of vehicle production in Russia so I really appreciate reading your incite. I would be interested to see how their lack of vehicle production carried into their lack of military vehicle production, tanks, jeeps, amphibious vehicles, etc.

Comment on Tell-tales by austinkassman

Very interesting and thought provoking post! It’s amazing the influence that the government had and how they almost mobilized the youth as a tool for politics. I would find it interesting to read other posts from time and how children thought. Thanks for sharing!