Month: April 2018

Comment on Sixth International Youth Festival by mauramcd

Wow this is really neat! I’m surprised that Americans were allowed to address such a large soviet population. I’d like to hear more of what the Americans were allowed to say considering the disparate ideologies between the two great powers at the time.

Comment on Freedom from the Gulags by mauramcd

I also wrote about amnesty releasing the gulags, but I like how you wrote more about what life was like in the gulag camps. One of the further steps that Khrushchev made in “de-stalinizing” the Soviet Union was actually allowing Aleksandr to publish his books, showing a brief de-censorship during the time.

Comment on Not a BUDAful place to be by mauramcd

I really liked how you used your experience visiting Hungary in your blog post. I’ve written how the Orthodox church has mobilized soviet people, and I think the soviets recognized the power of the Church and therefore, looked to oppress the Catholic church as well. Were the soviets attempted to silence the commemoration of Sandor Petofi and that’s why it turned violent? Very interesting post!

Comment on The Worst Thing About Prison was… the Dementors by nhinguyen14

I went to check this out after seeing someone’s comment about your blog on Phil’s post; he also wrote about the prisons. I did comment on his asking why prisoners had trouble fitting back into society but your blog answered that. I thought it was interest Beria released these criminals to make himself the new dictator; it seems like there could have been better methods. Overall, I thought your post was great and everything was well explained!

Comment on Not a BUDAful place to be by nhinguyen14

I think it’s awesome that you got to visit this and then now learning the history behind it! Your post is great. Phil also wrote a post about the Gulags, you should check it out! It shows the horror inside the prisoner camps. I like that you pointed out the catalyst, which was Khrushchev’s denunciation of Stalin’s speech. This was a very important moment in history and set the stage for many events. It is disappointing to see Hungarians revolting, yet ending up at the same place of fear and terror in the end.
I also loved you added a link to learn more about the Hungarian people – definitely need to check it out!

Comment on Freedom from the Gulags by nhinguyen14

Wow loving the hyperlinks!! Was the release of the prisoners solely based on the death of Stalin, or were there other factors involved? It’s crazy that they kept all of their lives a secret, although it would make sense given the conditions. Any thoughts on why they had such trouble fitting back into society?

Comment on Sixth International Youth Festival by Grace on 20th Century Russia

Hey Rachel! From the research I did I think I have some answers so here’s my best shot: So it had been held the previous five years, however this was the first year it was held in Russia so it was a very big year! Yes the festival was made to attract a young audience, this was part of the purpose the Soviet Government (the organizers of the event). They had hoped to boost morale and support in the young people, while also promoting their worldview/lifestyle to the international community!

Comment on Sixth International Youth Festival by rachelharriman10

The title states this festival as being the sixth, was this festival held every year? Also, did each festival base its audience on the younger generation? Also, who organized this event; was it the government or some smaller organizational group promoting peace? Sorry I have so many questions, it seems that I’ll have to do some research on my own!