Author: A.Anthony

Comment on Say No to Alcohol by A.Anthony

The events of human history have shown that evidently, it is impossible to successfully ban alcohol. It didn’t work in America in the 20’s and it didn’t work in Russia in the 80’s.

Comment on Just Another Proxy War by A.Anthony

It doesn’t surprise me that a part of the world that is generally considered very religious would resist communism, but I do wonder why the Soviet backed leader wouldn’t try and adapt the system to fit his people better? Growing up there, he must have known how religious people were, and how much they would oppose any sort of atheist society.

Comment on Shoot For The Moon. Even If The Cosmonaut Misses He’ll Land Among The Stars by A.Anthony

Everyone needs an ideal to aspire towards, and in a society where everyone was supposed to be the same, the man worthy of being the first person in orbit seems like a worthy idol. I wonder why he was chosen over everyone else? Was he well connected or was he just the best pilot they had?

Comment on The Race to Space by A.Anthony

I also did a post on the Soviet space program, and I think it’s so crazy how caught off guard the Americans were about Soviet rocket technology. Considering the significance of what the Soviets having a rocket that could launch a nuke directly at American, I’m amazed they paid so little attention to the ICBM program before then.

Comment on Styling with Stilyaga by A.Anthony

It seems like stilyaga was really just a derogatory word for anything the Soviets didn’t like. It’s a shame they were so against everything American because really, jazz is one of our best exports.

Comment on Soviet Successors by A.Anthony

I feel like the guys who thought it would be a good idea to have a collective leadership did not know much about Roman history, particularly the two Triumvirates. In both cases, the group of three men did not last very long before they started to take each other out.