Author: jkelly24

Comment on The Sino-Soviet Split by jkelly24

You had excellent sources in your blog post that really added a backbone to support your argument. This post is interesting to read after talking about Ethan’s post in class about the showdown at Damankii over disputed territorially claims. A lot of tensions can be seen between these two communist powerhouse nations and it is very intriguing to think about what could have happened if the tensions were scaled up and made globally.

Comment on Coon Rapids? by jkelly24

I found your investigation into this visit to Coon Rapids incredibly interesting. I does seems like such a random, middle of no where, location to visit. I also find it funny how the leader of the Soviet Union is just touring a corn farm with the owner. It just sounds kinda surreal at times. Great article!

Comment on A Dog Called Laika by jkelly24

Great post, it really highlights the importance that the space race had in relation to weapon technology. Sad about Laika though, I’m sure she was a good doggo.

Comment on Blog 5 – The Famine of 1946 by jkelly24

I found your post very enlightening. Often during war times we mainly here about the travesties on the battlefields. Not the ones that occur at home due to the war. The Soviet war time engine was one purely focused on fighting and to do this sacrifices had to be made at home in the form of sending resources to the front lines. Those sacrifices coupled with a drought and wartime damages to agricultural producing areas can have devastating effects. As highlighted in your post. Great work!

Comment on I Triple Doggie Dare You To Nuke Me by jkelly24

I really enjoyed your post and the questions it presented to the readers. The effect that nuclear weapons have on todays society is overwhelming even if it isn’t perceived to be as much of a danger as it used to be in the Cold War.

Comment on The Katyn Forest Massacre by jkelly24

I believe this was done because while Khrushchev was announcing atrocities done internally to the Soviet Union this one was external. Done to a different countries citizenship rather than their own.

Comment on The Katyn Forest Massacre by jkelly24

I am in the same boat as you. While the Nazi’s led one of, it not the most, horrific massacres during WWII there are numerous others that are over shadowed. This doesn’t mean that they are any less heartbreaking and terrible though. I was glad to be able to read and learn about this tragedy although I know there are likely more that I and many other people do not know about.

Comment on The Katyn Forest Massacre by jkelly24

This was something very interesting to read. While its hard to stop the gears of conspiracy from spinning it is incredibly tragic that something like that would occur on the anniversary of this tragic event.

Comment on Literally the Only Time the US and the USSR Didn’t Hate Each Other by jkelly24

It is funny to think that countries that are such opposites of each other would be allies but I guess the statement “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” hold true in most situations, at least until that enemy is no longer around. I would have loved to be there at the Yalta conference and see these three super power leaders interacting in person and discussing their likely very different ideas on what to do post war.

Comment on Smells Like A Cover Up by jkelly24

I also blogged about the Katyn Forest Massacre for this week. It was incredibly interesting, and sickening, to read about. I like how your post really focuses on the point of how much the Soviets denied its occurrence. One thing that popped into my head while writing my own post and while reading yours was how while Khrushchev admitted to many purges and crimes the Soviet Union committed under Stalin he did not mention this. I wonder if it was because it was done to non-Soviet citizens, if he thought it was just too awful of something to let out, or if he even knew about its occurrence. Great post!