The Great Patriotic War – Prompt #7

Courage, resilience and sacrifice defined the Soviet effort to win in World War II. “The Great Patriotic War” became an all-consuming struggle, mobilizing the hopes and fears of the civilian population in equal measure to the military efforts on the battlefield. Indeed the border between battlefield and home front shifted constantly and was often impossible to discern. This week, please […]

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A New Soviet God

Through the late 1930’s the Soviet union was experiencing a new more quite change. While propaganda was a standard in the USSR there was a more serious influence that was occurring at the top. During this period Stalin had grown even more paranoid, and while the Purges rooted out his possible rivals and nay sayers […]

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Mass Attack on the Watershed

In May 1933, Stalin sailed down the the newly completed Belomor Canal, which linked the White Sea and the Baltic. The project was unique due to the fact that it was built exclusively with Gulag labor. Gulag labor was provided by prisoners convicted of wide array crimes, petty to political. The government hailed the project […]

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Mass Attack on the Watershed

In May 1933, Stalin sailed down the the newly completed Belomor Canal, which linked the White Sea and the Baltic. The project was unique due to the fact that it was built exclusively with Gulag labor. Gulag labor was provided by prisoners convicted of wide array crimes, petty to political. The government hailed the project […]

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