Category: Fourth Research Digest

Icy Convoys, Icy Hearts

Amid the myriad debates regarding Soviet relations with the rest of the World War II Allies, often emphasized are the timing of the opening of a second front, the convenience of the alliance in the first place, what was said at what conference, and the various other dysfunctionalities one exhibited towards the others. Yet so […]

All is Fair in Love and War, or is it?

In the midst of violence and animosity, romance was a common denominator between all opposing sides. However, the traditional idea of ‘forever’ was foreign and the knowledge that they may never see each other ever again made wartime love even more appealing in such dark times. The 1940’s reintroduced the diminishment of traditional gender roles, … Continue reading All is Fair in Love and War, or is it?

Changing Goals: Consumerism in the Soviet Union under Stalin

Under the first five year plan, industrialization of the “backwards” and agrarian Soviet Union was paramount. For most of its existence, the Soviet economy functioned (and would continue to function) as a “dictatorship over needs.” (Soviet Consumerism) It’s not until the rule of Khrushchev with the Kitchen Debate and the Seven Year Plan that consumerism … Continue reading Changing Goals: Consumerism in the Soviet Union under Stalin

Peacetime Blues: Tough Livin’ in Post-Victory Russia

It goes without saying that winning a war takes sacrifice, but that sacrifice often causes ripple effects as the years after the war go by. Aside from how the Soviets may have benefited from their eventual victory, they endured major negative consequences from WWII across many aspects of their society. Specifically, the practical costs to … Continue reading Peacetime Blues: Tough Livin’ in Post-Victory Russia