Corruption and the Russian Mob

Corruption had always run rampant in Russia/ the Soviet Union. It was part of life because it had occurred for generations. People in the business world expected a bribe to facilitate contracts and permits. Police officers did not want a ticket to be paid through the city. But most of all in the 1990s after […]

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One More Drink?

It’s hard to believe that this is the last blog post of the year already.  As I sat down to research for a topic to write about this week, I found something rather peculiar:  the Anti-Alcohol Campaign.  What?  An anti-alcohol campaign in Russia?  I was taken aback to say the least.  Alcohol is a staple […]

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Everything Was Forever….Prompt 12

Until it was no more.….Our last weekly digest takes up the culture of the collapse of Soviet communism, a way of being that seemed extraordinarily stable, at the same time it displayed perplexing contradictions. For this last post, please use a cultural artifact or phenomenon of the late eighties to examine the end of the Soviet Union. Good inspiration is […]

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