Comment on If Only by Carlos F Mantilla P

” it is a much more straightforward task to teach 30 clones than it is to teach 30 individuals and so we treat them as such”…. this statement is the reality that is still perceived in many classrooms. And I think is great that we are getting the opportunity in this class and other space to think how we can start the change, but there is also the “sad” part of the many years that faculty that are fixed with their “teach to clones ” approach will continue to do so… Definitely we need to shift the classes when we have the opportunity, but we should also reach current faculty and try to work with them to change their ways….liked your post

Comment on Encouraging Discussion. Emphasizing Gracefulness. by Carlos F Mantilla P

Hi, I second Grace and Jonathan, your post reminded me of an “Enterprise Relationships” (probably not the best translation) class I took several years ago. One of the scenarios we covered was that of “negotiating” either a deal with another company, salary with employees, policies, etc… and how important is that all parties enter a negotiation with the “all should win” idea and not “let’s see how I can get the best part”. It might not be exactly the same as discussing critical issues, but what is the same is the disposition that you should have to start the discussion and always be mindful of the moment. Great post.

Comment on Let’s erase DIVERSITY and INCLUSION by Carlos F Mantilla P

Hi Jyotsana, I absolutely agree with what you expressed. I think the second point I was trying to make with the post ended up being eclipsed. I tried to also point out the importance of analyzing issues from multiple perspectives, because it all ends on how people interpret a word or what they feel about it. As I was writing my post, I came to that realization. And yes one intention was to point out how emphasizing so much on diversity and inclusion could lead to unwanted segregation, but it wasn’t all… In respect to your final comment, I am not sure we could reach an agreement of how people interpret a word, so at the end the word might not matter. What I wish we could reach at one point is that conclusion: “but they are”, “all are equal” and in my ideal word, perhaps eliminating words that speak of difference could help to get there :)… now I could be part of a minority on this… cannot blame the words hehehe

Comment on Ready! Set! Go!… My Rookie Season by Carlos F Mantilla P

Hi Amy, thanks for your comments and sharing your experience. You telling the students about CSU reminded me of a professor back in Colombia that did the same, and in fact he said something like: you should start cheering for my team, because if my team wins I will be happy, I will come in a better mood to class and you will get better grades in your assignments…. all joking, he was a hard grader no matter how his team was doing.

I have been thinking in the idea of meeting with students individually as well, probably a mandatory meeting but no credit involve. I think I will have around 40 students, if you have suggestions to manage how to set the appointments please let me know, I have thought about telling them to email me, asking for their available times, etc etc and haven’t really found a good way to organize it.

I am also thinking in encourage group office hours instead of individual office hours, to be clear, would like students to creat study teams and come to talk with me in a team if they have class questions, rather than each of them separately.

will definitely email you

Comment on Ready! Set! Go!… My Rookie Season by Carlos F Mantilla P

Hi Grace, thanks for your comments… and I don’t think it is a shallow reasoning, after all we have to be comfortable in the class… In respect to your question, I think time will tell…but I also think that how you are called should not affect your leadership position, your actions will take care of that… and if people want to address you as “Dr..”, “Professor”, etc then it will be as a result of that, and not just because …