Comment on 3: Not another group project! by Henry Smart

The title made me chuckle, but as I started to read your post I got a little bothered by what I read. I can relate to carrying the weight with group projects. I would encourage you to see this is a great learning opportunity– one where you learn about the innate deferring behavior of humans…and one where you learn just how much #$%@ you can take! What is your professional tipping point? If you pose that question to most people, they can’t answer it but they know it when it happens. As you move forward through the semester, revisit this question–what is your professional tipping point? If you feel like you are currently there, it’s time to use your herding skills and let the rest of them know you mean business. You will not make friends, but if you maintain a decent amount of respect towards them, you should gain their respect. Good luck!

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