Comment on Empathy is the new black by Jyotsana

Thank you for your post. Have you heard of P.E.A.S education model? It aims to cover all areas of development in a child but it is being carried out in one small affluent district in Long Island. When I come across things like this, I am frustrated with the fact that someone in some corner of the country or world developed something that we know works and yet we don’t adopt it because change is SO difficult and yet the ONLY thing that is inevitable…what is it going to take for people to see that in the educational system?!
I have often said that people should be taught counseling and communication skills all through their education, things like mindfulness and meditation incorporated into education have shown their benefits.

Comment on I’m not a professional by Jyotsana

To quote: “As a professional, I want to be kind, honest, open, patient, and groundbreaking, all while remembering the passion for learning that brought me here in the first place.” YES!!!!!! I was having the exact conversation with someone the other day about how this and that statement and documentation and formalities seems to have become one other thing that people have to check off their list of things to add into their portfolio or CV or job applications…and the fact that a lot of times all these check marks seem to be hollow and meaningless till they are proven in action. What if our actions preceded statements and claims….?! Your post is thoughtful and genuine and I am sure like me others will connect with it as well.

Comment on “Collecting the Dots” to “Connecting the Dots” by Jyotsana

One thought that comes to mind as I read your post is the idea that education really isn’t the same as it used to be even though people are struggling with the changes. Fortunately or unfortunately, educational scaffolding in various forms has entered the business of teaching and learning. This is not just a result of the advent of technology or other means but moreso that of problems that cannot be solved with singular means. The problems today’s individuals are solving are bigger than the capacity of lecture style teaching and this trend seems like it will continue to future generations. I am glad you feel like now you are connecting the dots ?

Comment on Free Food Anyone? by Jyotsana

Interesting post Grace – my high-school students used to call what you described in your post as FOMO i.e. Fear Of Missing Out and spent hours on social media just trying to catch up so that they knew everything of what was going on. The thing is that people don’t recognize that no matter how much we know, we still can’t know everything and more importantly we do actually control our devices but rather than exercising that privilege we give in to the temptation.

Comment on Devices everywhere and not a drop of knowledge gained by Jyotsana

The irony of the situation – we are all looking for connection and in the meantime disconnecting (that was a pun I did not intend but now that its there we can’t help it) – the fact is that the accessibility of technology and all that comes along with it has taken us away from the things that are actually important, whether that be in life, in education, or at work.

Comment on Your phone # is?… Your birthday is?… checking my “smart” phone by Jyotsana

Thank you for sharing your thoughts Carlos! You bring up some very good points. I said this on someone else’s blog too that trying to force the inevitable out is not the smart thing to do but more so knowing how to utilize it best as an extension of what it can do for the class and add to it.