Comment on Won’t We Need to be Able of Critical Thinking Ourselves? by Kathryn G Culbertson

I am totally stashing that infographic! So clear and complete. And thank you for the specific example, Armani, of how CP applies in a real-life situation. It requires a constant and conscious effort to approach teaching and learning from a CP perspective: it can be so easy to revert to ‘filling a bucket’ rather than demanding that students create their own learning and meaning – relevance – from what is being taught.

Comment on On Diversity & Inclusive Pedagogy, Academia could do better by Kathryn G Culbertson

Thank you Sarah for writing such a cogent blog post this week (you seem to have a knack).
The Buzzfeed video you shared was incredibly powerful. And, I think that there is tremendous opportunity in creating communities of allies to push forward in issues of prejudice and ignorance.Ive always considered myself a first generation American (my grandparents were Italian immigrants) and thought it was enough to relate to others as such. But the conversation last night, and your post have started me thinking about how much more I could do to further conversations about inclusion and diversity.
. Wouldn’t it be cool to do the same experiment here at VT? I’d be interested in working with others to make that happen.
I’m wrestling with how to be of service in continuing this conversation. Last night was incredibly revealing to me. I’ve always felt like an immigrant, myself, but clearly not had to deal with the level of prejudice most of the International students have encountered.
How can we continue to advocate for inclusion and diversity as a #GEDIVT group?