Comment on I am tired, y’all. by Grace Watt

I just recently had a very heated and emotional discussion with a friend over the topic of anger in the face of damaging, historic, and unimaginable oppression in all sorts of areas, ie. sexual assault, racism, all phobias. People who have been hurt, generations that have been hurt, we/they are angry and we/they wish that someone would decide it is worth it to acknowledge us/them and our/their pain and stand up to those who perpetuate it. And yet, I tend to hope there is a balance between the anger and the empathy and love for even our/their enemies. Something powerful can happen to our/their enemies through love that may not happen with anger. I hope love might lead to true heart change and friends/allies instead of the oppressors eventually being forced by social pressure to change their actions even if their hearts and beliefs do not change.

However, I must be very careful to give space for my anger and the anger of others. Anger, hurt, brokenness, and even the deeper emotions of shame, sadness, and helplessness, must be felt and must be acknowledged and affirmed. There is great reason for great rage and that is true and real.


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