Comment on I Need More Ice Cream for This by Ruoding Shi

Interesting title! I like the idea that “Being for and with our students in the project and labor of inviting them to be critical of themselves, the programs they are in, the lessons they learn, and of the institutions they attend.” As a student, I alway want to learn from an instructor who cares students and builds emotional connection with us.

Comment on Teaching for the 21st Century by Ruoding Shi

When read your post, I’m thinking about my research, which uses mortality data in Virginia. Sometimes I remind myself that they are real lives who were leaving here. However, at most time I just see these data as numbers or observations. As you said, it is really easy for researchers to lose connection and empathy to their study subjects.


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Comment on Teaching for the 21st Century by Ruoding Shi

When read your post, I’m thinking about my research, which uses mortality data in Virginia. Sometimes I remind myself that they are real lives who were leaving here. However, at most time I just see these data as numbers or observations. As you said, it is really easy for researchers to lose connection and empathy to their study subjects.


Comment on What is school for? by Ruoding Shi

I like the way that you answer this question from a perspective of history and economy. Our society changes from labor-intense to capital-intense and then to technology-intense, our human must seek to master something that cannot be done by a robot, such as creativity and critical thinking.


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Comment on Multi-Tasking Has Become A Necessary Skill for A Scholar by Ruoding Shi

You made some good points here. Because of the technology progress, everyone seems to be busier than before. We have tons of email to write and reply, facebook/wechat to keep in touch with others…We become mulitasking people even without realizing it. Somethimes, I wonder if this is a good thing or a bad thing. For example, do you think the professor today is more productive than 30 years ago? Should we develop our abilities to better multitask or improve concentration to focus on one thing for a certain time?


Comment on How much time do you spend on the internet/day? by Ruoding Shi

Very interesting post! Yes, I also spend too much time on Internet, especially on my smartphone. I have an app called moment to track my phone use, and no matter how hard I try to get rid of my phone or how busy I am for that day, my time on the smartphone is always above a hour. The more stressful of me, the more time on these time wasters!


Comment on Attention and Multi-Tasking by Ruoding Shi

I agree that technology and multitasking tools do help some people a lot. For easy things, such as cooking and laundry, I can easily multitask them. However, for some difficult tasks, such as reading literature and data analysis, I have to focus on them one by one. I think whether multitasking tool is good or bad depends on what types of things at hand and people’s capabilities.


Comment on Curiosity requires moral courage by Ruoding Shi

I strongly agree with your point that many factors outside the education system contributes to the banking education. For example, people are often afraid of disagreements and view them as a threaten. In some country, freedom of speech is not protected. Professors have to be careful that don’t talk about some issues that may offend the authority. Although education cannot solve a lot of problems, but at least it sows the seeds of hope.

Comment on I think I have been to the bank too much by Ruoding Shi

Thanks! I have the same feeling that I grew up without much training in critical thinking. The question is: how could we practice critical pedagogy if we were not trained in this way? I think awareness is the first step. Whenever we pour knowledge to our students unconsciously, we should think of the “banking” education and make every effort to stop this tendency. Then the pedagogical styles to achieve critical pedagogy can be many, and depend on the instructor’s personality.
