Comment on Are lectures beneficial to student learning? by luisab93

I appreciate that you shared your positive experiences with lectures because I think my biases lead me to not believe in them. I rarely hear of students sharing their positive experiences so this post was great to read! and also replying to Armin that I do also believe it can very much depend on the quality of the professors. I had classroom setting classes that I have also doze off in and it was very much due to professors not even trying to engage the class.

Comment on Let’s talk WITH our students – not AT them by nordicgod

Good afternoon Erin,

I absolutely agree with you 100%! Talking with students, engaging, and building a community is the only feasible answer to removing exciting items like “laptops” from a classroom. I couldn’t even imagine having to deal with a monotone professor without some sort of distraction. Before laptops (and even sometimes still) I would sit by a window just so that I could stare out and imagine I was somewhere fun rather than stuck in a classroom. Uhhhhhh…..true story……yeah let’s just say that me sitting by a window while taking the GRE was a BAD idea!!! LOL!


Cheers, Lehi

Comment on Whose Imagination Is This? by Patrick Salmons

This discussion is one we should be having every day as we teach! Thanks for sharing this method, I am going to incorporate it in my class, because global econ and world politics can be dry, but if we ask why and engage maybe something better can come out of the class rather than a requirement. Asking students what they want to get out of the class is helpful as well, walking around being engaged makes learning fun and inspires students from my experience. Think John Boyer that guy is a marvelous example of teaching and engagement.


Comment on Game of Phones by Anonymous

Good afternoon Britton,

I’m LOVING the game of thrones tie-in. I’m a serious advocate for doing anything related to the series! LOL! Yeah you are an extremely brilliant young man so I could see how you would be bored by someone who only lectures. The professor clearly didn’t do a great job at identifying the different learning styles and engagement level of the class participants. I definitely think one must integrate technology along the way but in a well balanced manner.


Cheers, Lehi

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Comment on Learning without being TAUGHT!! by Patrick Salmons

Hey Robert. This is great and in line with similar thoughts of mine. How do we teach should be asked, but also how does one learn? How do they expand on the material, and I think your thought on WHY is so very important in pedagogy today. We invest in our students, as we should, but what are they invested in? Shaun told me this and it has stuck with me. Asking why is important, technology is important, but its how students use and how they enable themselves that matters. Great discussion!


Comment on Investing in the New Culture of Learning by yousefjalaliblog

You discussed a very important issue. The reality is most of faculty members who invest time in research do not have enough time to think about the quality of learning, granted they care about this. Part of this comes from institutional structure which creates pressure on faculty, and in particular those who started the journey. Perhaps initiatives like the one you mentioned can be one approach that institutions can adopt to highlight the importance of teaching and learning.
