On April, 26, 1986 the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl experienced an explosion which led to a nuclear accident which left the area devastated. According to sources 38 people were killed instantly while up to 100,000 died from the effects of the leaked radiation. Perhaps most disturbing was the fact that if it were not …
Dizzy With Excess of Force; Yuri’s Triumph in the Age of Khrushchev
•When Joseph Stalin faced a shortage of grains during his leadership, he turned to collectivization in order to increase grain procurement. The reason for adopting collectivization as an economic strategy was twofold: first, the systematic and industrialized state equipment was far more efficient than strip farming, second, it would be a direct attack on the …
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Zlatoust Arsenal and Russian Industrialization
•Hello class! For my first blog post I will examine a photograph by Sergey Prokudin-Gorskii who traveled across the Soviet Union to document the Russian way of life through his photography. The photograph I have chosen to examine is from Prokudin-Gorskii’s visit to the town of Zlatoust in 1909. The photograph shows a collection of …
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Soviet History – Spring 2019 2019-01-27 17:17:42
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