Comment on I have dots to connect before I sleep by Qichao Wang

Knowing your shortcoming and willing to change, I think that how we grow from a newbie to a professional. I don’t even think you need to unlearn something. Our perceptions are getting maturer as we experience things. There are different layers of learning and understanding. Sometimes the understandings at different layers are contradictory. I think those ideologies that we abandoned in the end are still valuable. It’s just that you know that you will not use them anymore.

Comment on Thoughts on Diversity by Qichao Wang

I like this statement, “furthermore, I understand the importance of the topic of micro-aggression but if it is overemphasized, it will sabotage students’ curiosity on different cultures.” I feel maybe we focus too much on the techniques of avoiding aggression and forget to mention the core in those contexts: respect and goodwill.

Comment on Teaching as acting by Qichao Wang

Hi Jaclyn. Thank you for your interest. I agree it’s not possible that we can catch every single student’s attention all the time. Just like the end of my blog said, we should accept the existence of those students. Just like any movie, there will always be someone not liking it. I don’t think it’s the educators’ fault that someone does not listen.

Comment on Won’t We Need to be Able of Critical Thinking Ourselves? by Qichao Wang

Interesting story from Armani! I found students tend to use the easy route. Go directly to the answer and try to avoid the process is definitely one of the easiest routes. Actually, in some cases, we all want to skip the “unnecessary” and get the targets. If I can skip the work and get the salary, I won’t refuse it. It’s a good strategy to me. I view this mindset as problem-oriented learning/engineering/strategy. However, there are many things that are too beautiful to skip. I don’t want to skip to the end of a movie when I just start to watch. I don’t want to become a grandpa without experiencing dating a girl and getting married. I think our job as educators are to making the processes become the students’ “problems” and fun experiences.

Comment on The Nervous Instructor by Qichao Wang

I found some of the literature only talks about how good certain things are and ignore how hard it is to achieve those certain things. I guess that what prevents the good theories being applied to the reality. I think maybe sometimes we just have to get out of our comfort zone to do the right things. Choosing what to gain usually means choosing what to lose in the meantime.