Comment on to Learn, not to be taught by Sarah El-Helw

The true world reality, essentially. The more goal-oriented we are, the more we achieve. Even when people have the freedom to choose their area, many times they are led to choose in an interesting manner what they wanna do. Actually, this reminds me of how a lot of us even in grad school, tend to achieve more if a deadline is coming up… As if we’re not living up to our fullest. Thanks for the post!

Comment on Intrinsic Motivation through Connected Learning by Sarah El-Helw

Nice 3 areas of connected learning mentioned here! I think it’s nice to have a twist in how you mention things, because technology didn’t really play a role in the first two points of your perspective. On how students should have the freedom to study what they want… And how they can get a say in what they do. As well as having autonomy, which sometimes schools lack. Especially when schools are focused on getting good standardized test scores… It destroys the desires of the students. However, if they are granted this, as well as some technology and some guidance, things will be great. Everything in moderation, is good!

Comment on Connected Learning: for the Millennials by Sarah El-Helw

Thank you very much for this post! I could so relate to this! Our generation! I think we’ve gone through all the changes, more than any other generation. We are the generation that tested out AIM, and used to chat at night after class with classmates, middle- undergrad. Then Facebook came out, and we were on it before it was famous. I could so relate to the blogging comment. I’ve done it, when I was younger, but I wasn’t a fan :) And then last semester I took my first course requiring the blogging. And it is, in a sense connected learning. You can think about education from different perspectives in different locations. You don’t have to physically be in class, but instead, you can get to know people’s perspectives who are completely opposite to you.. At the same time, you see how people also support your argument. I think it’s good stuff! Especially blogging with academics.


Comment on Connected Learning with limited resources? by Sarah El-Helw

I completely agree with you, that the present system is significantly lacking. I believe that professors, and teachers should be paid well. It’s sad to see that picking up a job in the industry sometimes means further pay than in teaching. However, I must say that today’s teachers and professors include some brilliant and dedicated leaders. This is because, these people have a lot of passion for what they’re doing, and they want to do it for the sake of their student’s success. They do what they love, and that’s what keeps them going.

Therefore, I believe the present system gave us some stars, but also caused us to search for good salaries and good career opportunities in the life of professors and leaders. This reminds me of the whole discussion about professors needing to have the right just to teach, and not research, and be treated equally.

Thanks for the great post!