Chernobyl is the worlds largest nuclear accident. It occurred on April 26, 1986. It started when the plants #4 reactor exploded violently. Many people were killed because of the harmful radiation that was emitted, and large swaths of land around the town were deemed unsafe to live in. However, there were other consequences, both good … Continue reading Chernobyl: Disaster at the worst of Times
Sputnik and the Space Race
•In 2016 there were roughly 4,256 satellites orbiting Earth. Before 1957 there were none. That all changed with the launch of Sputnik I from Russia on October 4, 1957. Sputnik I was roughly the size of a beach ball and could orbit Earth in around 98 minutes. This was the first major victory in the … Continue reading Sputnik and the Space Race
The Beginnings of the Cold War
•Almost immediately after WWII in Europe concluded in Europe, the Cold War began. This refers to the time between 1947 and 1991. With victory of the Germans in Europe, the two remaining super powers were the United States and the Soviet Union. Though there are many major events throughout the Cold War I believe that … Continue reading The Beginnings of the Cold War
•Once the Bolsheviks were firmly in control and Stalin had established himself as the man in charge there came a great many changes to Russia during the 1920’s and 1930’s. One major problem Stalin had was the peasants. The majority of the peasants were not communist and often very distrustful of them and other outsiders. … Continue reading Collectivization
Revolution and Consequences
•In 1917 there were two very important revolutions in Russian History. The first one was in February and the second was in October. The February revolution started with bread riots by women then transformed into a full scale revolution that spread across the country. This led to the overthrow of the current autocracy, which was … Continue reading Revolution and Consequences
Importance of Early Steam Engines and Railways
•This is the Kompaund Steam Engine. This steam engine and the many others like it were instrumental in Soviet History. Before railroads and efficient steam engines much of Russia was completely rural, and not easily accessible. The introduction of such steam engines and the many miles of railroad allowed for people, and more importantly raw … Continue reading Importance of Early Steam Engines and Railways