Category: 8th Weekly Edition

The Disolution of Family

In the late 1980s, a change in Russian traditions would begin to take place. As taboos regarding sexual exploration were increasingly challenged, the younger generation began to change the structure of a traditional family. We know from previous posts that a standard, ideal family was predominantly nuclear in composition with many children and perhaps some …

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Definitely not the most pleasant neighbors

Introductory Circumstances:  The Sino-Soviet split took place during the 60’s. It was caused by the divergence of ideals behind communism. Disagreements about peaceful co-existence with the west led to disagreements in the co-existence of the two countries. “They denounced the Soviet emphasis on “peaceful coexistence” with the capitalist world as kowtowing to the “paper tiger” […]

When I Was Young We Played Outside For all of those people like me who grew up with Nintendo and television I am sure the above title had been said at one point or another by your parents. It would seem in this regard, the Soviet youth were hearing these decades in advance. According to this news article from the Digest […]

Russian Into Afghanistan

It was in late December, 1979 that the Soviet 40th Army moved to invade the country of Afghanistan. In the Soviets’ mind, they were helping to improve communist relations between the Afghan people and the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA), a communist political party.1 During the midst of the Cold War, the United States had … Continue reading Russian Into Afghanistan

A Bright New Future?

The 1970’s the golden years of the space age, it was only a few in July of 1969 had the Americans had put two men on the moon. With these significant technological innovations and a great deal of growing imagination, people began to think about life among the stars and the things we would do …

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Fighting in Afghanistan Never Works

If you haven’t picked up on it yet, I like to talk about war and conflict in history.  This blog post will do just that.  In late December, 1979, the USSR began conducting military operations in the socialist republic of Afghanistan, responding to an Afghani call for aid.  The goal of these operations were to stabilize […]

Just Another Proxy War

Afghans wait outside the Kabul central Pulicharkhi prison on January 14, 1980, days after the Moscow-installed regime of Babrak Karmal took over. (Photo credit: AP Photo). Many things happened in 1978 that lead to the invasion of Afghanistan. Nur Mohammad Taraki took over the government with a coup. He was a member of Afghanistan’s communist…