Category: Comrade’s Corner

5th Stop: Yantarny This week I wanted to focused on something serious; the Holocaust. Many people assume and are taught in High School that the Germans were the only ones to participate in the mass killing of Jews and that simply is not true. The Soviet Union and France were two other nations that highly participated in […]

Kirov and Killing

On 1 December, 1934 Sergei Mironovich Kirov was murdered at the Smolnyi Institute in St. Petersburg by Leonid Nikolaev, a former party member. The 48-year-old First Secretary of the Leningrad party organization and longtime Bolshevik member was assassination only months after he had received a higher percentage of votes in the elections to the Politburo … Continue reading Kirov and Killing

Central planning meets film: The censorship of a mass medium

In the Soviet Union, the 1930’s were characterized by massive state-led transformations in agriculture, industry, and culture. The revolution in culture represented a shift away from aesthetic values that existed in the previous decade. This shift did not occur on its own, rather it was carefully implemented by the state. In 1930 the Soyukino, a …

Continue reading Central planning meets film: The censorship of a mass medium

The Magnitogorsk Experiment

Speaking to prominent Soviet economists during the 1920’s Stalin lamented the shame that Russia had suffered at the hands of other countries. Shame brought on by “Japanese barons”, “Mongol khans” and British and French capitalists.[1]  All of whom had bested Russia due to industrial, military and economic superiority. Resolving to never suffer such ignominy again,…

Episode 4: A New Purge

It was a period of great violence. The Great Terror held the Soviet society at its throat. Between the years of 1936 and 1938, three main show trials would occur. During each, high ranking Soviet intelligentsia, military officers, and government officials would meet swift judgment and execution. During this time, thousands of people were murdered […]

Stop 4: Partying in Moscow

This week I decided to stay in the capital look for implications of the 30’s on the city today. On different days I will go to a different areas and look at a different topic varying from an economic perspective to a cultural perspective and a social perspective. My goal for this trip is find […]