Comment on Mentoring for New Professors by Rabih

Thank you for your post. It is really sad to see research done in the field and articles written about that issue decades ago and we still see no (or very little) changes. I also like the the idea of having a professional observe you and give you feedback. That’s one of the most efficient and fastest ways to improve as a teacher.

Comment on The Education Battlefront: Violence on Campus by Tanya Halliday

Cody, I am with you on both wanting to create a safe learning environment and also, not having what teh answer is to this issue. Have you by chance read the “Tipping Point” by Malcolm Gladwell? It is about the spread of social epidemics, and in the audiobook at least, he talks about school shootings and how/why they spread. He doesn’t offer an answer for stopping them, but offers an explanation for why they have become so much more commonplace. It might be of interest to you to read!

