Comment on Hi! I’m Scribe! by werewolf

Howdy, Scribe. I do believe we know each other… Haha.

Anyway, as for a school motto… Hmm. One of my favorite school mottos is in Australia, at Monash University. It’s simply a quote (in Italian) by Michelangelo: “Ancora imparo,” which means “I’m still learning.” Granted, it’s kind of the easy way out because it could apply to almost any university, but I like its general meaning, anyway. In my case, it does also apply to Virginia Tech, as I *am* still learning. Even after completing my bachelor’s degree, I still have a lot to learn. I think that applies to all of us. It could be taken a few steps further at VT, as it’s a research-oriented university. Therefore, VT always strives to continue learning – and, as new discoveries are made, we are all still learning.