Comment on The Times They Are A-Changin: The age of peer-to-peer lending by Jyotsana

Wonderful post Aakash and you hit some very important points. I know that traditionally since ancient times when the Vedas were being written we have had classrooms represented as the teacher/philosopher sitting on a pedestal with his pupils listening silently as he speaks. No one has questioned the authority of the teacher as it is considered as disrespect (I don’t want to get started on “gurudakshana” so I will keep that part out) and that tradition has continued into the 21st century. That we know needs to change…I wonder how the praxis that Freire talks about can be brought about in India?!
To Ken’s question – I believe that the educational system in India can be equated to the common core…just take sports, recreation and some level of empathy out of it and you will find yourself in an Indian public school. I am probably painting a worse picture than it is…private schools are better for sure and are definitely applying better teaching and learning strategies.