Comment on From the journal of a “miserable child” by Yi Liu

Nice post! My experience might be a little different. I had always been a student good at “banking” whatever knowledge that was taught to me and never doubted them until I enter college. I started to realize that being a knowledge “banker” cannot get me any further, not get me jobs, not into graduate school and even not get me graduate. But the good thing is now we know what real education should be, we can try not to let the same thing happen to the next generation.


Comment on Bank balance by Yi Liu

Thanks for the post! It is nice to hear a different voice here. While Paulo Freire’s writing can be sensational every now and then, I think he is making some good points. I’m sure there are a lot of good teachers around us, but I also encountered bad ones: these bad teachers see teaching as some sort of mandatory task they need to do and they teach like they don’t care about how the students think at all. For these teachers, Paulo’s book can be really helpful.
