Comment on I want to be a scuba diver! by Yasaman Shahtaheri

Exactly Karen! I also have the same problem when I read… I feel like I need more time to process and become comfortable with the material! As a PhD student there is so much that you need to read once you get started so I think it is not possible to take your time with every reading material… However what I have found is that as you move forward throughout your degree (I just finished my first year), you have a limited number of resources that really pairs well with what you do and in that case you have more time to really dig deep into your readings…


Comment on Smarter, Dumber, or Lazier? by Yasaman Shahtaheri

Great points Cassie! I think that there should be a balance between the two… To be honest I always panicked over not be able to take my calculator to the exam! That is mainly because there is so much calculations that we have to do in our Civil Engineering exams… And doing all of the computations manually will take from the time that you need to think the other problems through… However I should say that if we had more time in our exams I would definitely agree on not allowing students to the bring calculators, phones, etc. to the exam…

Comment on Experience vs. Memory by Yasaman Shahtaheri

Great points! I definitely agree with you on the fact that we should live in the moment! Taking pictures, videos is a great way for us to remember some of the memorable days in the past… However I think that at least 80% of our moments should be experienced purely without keeping ourselves busy by trying to save these moments in the external memory! I, myself was known to be very annoying and spent most of my life taking pictures, videos, etc. Then I realized that I enjoy looking at a picture or two a few years after the event, but what I enjoy the most is just being present in every moment of my life and not worrying about capturing every minute of it! This helped me enjoy my life a lot more and when I looked at those few memories that I had saved in the external memory, it was just more pleasant!