Comment on Confessions of a MOOC professor by Vahid Bateni

A noteworthy post. After I read your post I read the article as well. I find it really interesting that the point about “flattening of expertise” was what I noticed when I was writing about universities of the future. Although on the contrary to the author, I personally find a relief to professors and teachers. I guess it is much harder to be the god than to be a fellow traveler! It is the way it should be. Let’s liberate the science as long as we respect the scientific method and scientific structure of thinking!

Comment on My 10 cents by poochy

I think there are pros and cons. It was not that bad for me studying in French architecture school (tuition is free, but still need to pay comprehensive fee), but I heard that the tax in France is almost 50% of the income. I was satisfied with the quality of learning, but the school facility was not that good as american schools. Also, student support service is not well developed compared to the US institutions.

Comment on The fear of failure by Alexis

I’m glad that you openly blogged about this because too many students think that they are the only ones that feel this way! Grad students in general are plagued with self-doubt, which is closely related to the idea of the imposter syndrome.