Comment on “Stories are just data with a Soul” ~ Brene Brown by Mary Semaan

I don’t know if you need to be vulnerable to be an educator. I mean if you look at the definition of vulnerable, you get:
capable of or susceptible to being wounded or hurt, as by a weapon:
a vulnerable part of the body.
open to moral attack, criticism, temptation, etc.:
an argument vulnerable to refutation; He is vulnerable to bribery.
What you probably meant was that we need to be open with our emotions if we want to be successful educators. We need to be the Robin Hoods of education:-)


Comment on Critical Pedagogy by Mary Semaan

Freire’s views on education are a product of his time and environment: poor Brazil in the 60s and the economic and social disparities between classes. Nowadays, we have another form of disparity independent learning vs. mindless learning. So, in that respect, Freire’s views still apply to reconcile these two disparate pedagogies, in my opinion, of course :-).

Comment on Critical Pedagogy in Standardized Courses by Mary Semaan

You could assign chapters for students or groups of students to present to the class and you can be the moderator rather than the lecturer, thus achieving two goals: a) they are forced to learn at least the chapters assigned to them because and b) you introduce critical thinking and force the students to go above and beyond, rather than just bearing the brunt of the lecture.