Comment on When engineers take philosophy by Milad

Thank you for sharing the experience. Very interesting course. Research shows that liberal arts courses increase creativity and innovativeness more than other courses. The main reason is perhaps the way they teach the courses. We as engineering can learn a lot from liberal art courses and apply their method in teaching engineering courses.

Comment on Connecting the Dots by Milad

Thank you for your post. It is really painful to see that some students only think about the grades. I think the main reason is the way of teaching and not that the students were not interested in the real purposes of education at the first place. I agree with you that sometimes the memorization is useful but a lot of times it is not.

Comment on Experience vs. Memory by Milad

Thank you for the post. Before having a cell phone, I used to remember more than 100 phone numbers. Now, I should think a lot to remember phone numbers of my close friends. You are right, with the arrival of new technologies, we are relying more on external memory and I think it has a relationship with increasing rate of alzheimer.

Comment on Are the students active or object in the classroom? by Milad

I agree that students engagement is very important and instructors should have a plan to engage the students in the classrooms. One problem is that how can you engage students in classes with more than 100 students and how can we apply critical pedagogy in those classes considering that you have limited time to teach basics. I like what you proposed and I think it can be applied even in big classes.

Comment on “I feel like arguing with a woman” by Milad

Thank you for the post. I think most stereotypes come from our childhood. For example, I remember when we were playing football (I mean soccer), some of my friends used to say do not play like a girl! We were around 10 years old and we grow up with these stereotypes.
I have tried a lot to get rid of these stereotypes. However, sometimes the problem is that you do not know a stereotype exist.
I agree with we should teach our children that these stereotypes exist and they should fight back facing them.