Comment on Iran Education system needs a huge reform-2 by Mohammad

I criticized the Iranian education system in Iran in my blog post as well.
But, I believe that Atiyeh needs to state the scientific reason instead of superficial statements. For example, what is her statistical data for this claim: “Iran has great index of inequality of opportunity (IOP) in education outcome in the Middle East”
She mentioned this statement: “inequality in outcome due to a gender of individuals is unjust”. I remember that a female American student in Preparing the Future Professoriate course told us that Iran has the most number of females in engineering schools. Atiyeh may look at the statistics and find that the 60% of admitted students in Iran are females.

The best universities in Iran are public universities. Public universities are free and there are a lot of applicants (around 1 million) each year. All of them want to be admitted at Sharif University of Technology and University of Tehran. University if Tehran has all scientific fields and Atiyeh could select University of Tehran instead of the Sharif University of Technology. So, it is her fault. There is a counselor in each high schools and student can talk to them and ask them about their interested fields. So, if Atiyeh had a wrong decision, it is her fault.
I do not know when Atiyeh left Iran, but the representatives of Parliament are working to change the entrance exam now. They want to use the GPA instead of the entrance exam.

I always try to criticize the current situation of my country because I want to have a perfect country. But I always present alternatives as well. It is very easy to criticize but if we want to help our country it is much better to present alternatives as well.

Comment on Facebook in your personal vs. professional life by Mohammad

This is really concerning to me. In GTA workshop we were asked to keep our personal and professional life separate. Many professors deny their students request to be friend on Facebook. They are afraid of exposing their private life to students. Likewise students do not like their teachers to know what they feel and how they spent their weekend. I personally believe social media is invading our privacy and has turned into a big issue.