Comment on From the journal of a “miserable child” by Mohammed Farghally (mfseddik)

Thank you for this nostalgic post :) This post reminds me of myself when I was in school back home. All of our classes was based on inert theories and memorization and 100% of the grade was dedicated to midterm and final exams. Nothing practical! I forgot everything I learned in these classes and I was also that miserable child in grade school :)


Comment on Peer-taught Classrooms: A Recipe for Creating Learner-centered Bonanzas by Mohammed Farghally (mfseddik)

Thank you for the syllabus. I really liked you presenting yourself in the beginning of the syllabus as a veteran student. I believe this will create an intimate atmosphere between you and your students. This will make students more dare to exchange ideas and ask questions within class. This will have a positive impact in their engagement within the course content and will allow them to get the maximum from this course.

Comment on The Authentic Actor/Teacher: Lessons from Broadway on how to create dynamic learning environments by Mohammed Farghally (mfseddik)

Thank you for this interesting post. I believe every instructor should see this connection between acting in a play and teaching in a classroom. The goal of both actions is to deliver a message or an idea to the audience. However, I feel it is really hard for an instructor to reach the suspension of disbelief but it is not impossible. I think with well designed in class activities, students can be immersed into performing their role in the activity and forget about learning for some time until at the end they realize that they have actually learned what they were supposed to learn as a consequence of performing this activity.

Comment on Society as Knowledge Machine by Mohammed Farghally (mfseddik)

Thank you for this interesting post. Based on your definition of a knowledge machine, the way I envision it is when a student turned to be part of the process of knowledge creation in the lecture. Traditionally, an instructor is just pouring the knowledge from his head to the heads of his students without students being actually part of the instruction process. Using a knowledge machine, students can be engaged actively in the instruction process by performing activities. During the activity, knowledge is created and it is now easier for students to grasp this knowledge as they are part of its creation process.