Comment on “I feel like arguing with a woman” by yshahtaheri

Thank you for your post! I agree with you on the fact that we should redesign the educational system so that such stereo does not happen or happens less. I think that this will happen with both educating the teachers and students of various cultures, genders, etc. I am definitely with you on the fact that educational performance is only one aspect of life. For this reason we need to prepare our students for the diverse word that they will be entering… Yes, redesigning the exams to fit all groups of learners is great! But how about familiarizing them with history beyond the USA so that they can learn to be understanding of their fellow workers, friends, and their global society. What do you think?

Comment on Is it just a “performance”? by yshahtaheri

Great point! I think that teaching should be an engaging process and that there is not one way to go about it… However tone of voice and postures are important factors which can help with engaging the students. This does not mean that we have to be good performers, but it simply means that we have to keep our listeners engaged… For example this does require a non monotonic voice tone and gestures which get the listener exited. However I think that as long as our main goal is to make the class, interactive, hands on, and fun the rest will come naturally at some point.

Comment on Come on! Let’s Play! by yshahtaheri

Wow! This is incredible! Coding was/is always such a brutal experience for me! I am sure that I would have learned a lot more if I tried to develop a code that is as fun as this! One other take away from this exercise is to let the learners design what they care for and if we have to assign a certain project to all students then try to embed all the important take ways of the project in fun activities…

Comment on Silly Mama, tables are for eating by yshahtaheri

Great insights! I very much like how you mention that kids are naturally good at wanting to understand how and why to do things. However I am curious to know if you think that they are also good at achieving this on their own? I agree with you on the fact that we are all curious to learn things in order to apply them to our life. However, I think that some of us (or at least myself) have a hard time achieving this and that’s when the role of a teacher comes into play.

Comment on Is connected learning the efficient way to go? by yshahtaheri

Thanks for sharing this! I personally think that connected learning should be interesting for both the learner and the teacher/professor. As as example, once you get some interesting comments on your blog, you might write your next blog more enthusiastically and with more care. This also has an impact on the learner since once I as a reader see an interesting blog post, I am willing to read it and participate in that discussion. I think that the problem of not wanting to go through so many resources on the web will also be solved once connected learning is inclusive (while diverse), based upon individual interest, continuous, and respectful to the future of mentors and mentees.