Comment on “What Do You Do with a B.A. in English?” by lsavage

As the sole STEM person in a family of humanities majors (phys ed/history, political science, and comparative religions), I’ve always believed that the humanities have a lot to offer. If nothing else, every scientist and engineer will, at some point, need to write something. Knowing grammar is a generally a prerequisite for that (I hope). As a whole, though, engineers tend to be pretty focused on functionality, and that does lead to a very narrow view of what’s “useful.”

Sorry your family gives you grief! You can always come talk to my family. I think they’d probably understand you better than they understand me, anyway! I’m the weirdo in that bunch.

Comment on I am a model by Laura Savage

Even as a GTA, I feel like this is one of the most important parts of my job. I grade and hold office hours and proctor tests, but I also try to be a role model and mentor for my students. It’s hard on days when I’m not feeling very patient and the answer to most of the questions I get is, “It’s in the syllabus.” But no matter how tired grumpy I’m feeling, the students should still feel like I care about them and that their learning actually matters to me. Because someday they’ll be the engineers or teachers, and hopefully they’ll treat other people that way too.
