For my last post, I decided to talk about The Americans, one of my favorite shows currently airing on television. The show follows Philip and Elizabeth Jennings, two undercover Soviet spies who live in Fall Church, VA. The show provides an unique perspective on the Cold War.
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One of the most significant events within the Cold War was the dissolution of the Soviet led Warsaw Pact. Created in 1955, the Warsaw Pact was the answer to West Germany’s admittance into NATO, which was seen as increasing the risk of war and threatening the security of “peaceable states."
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As the Soviet Union carried out its campaign against alcohol, the population made up for it by brewing their own instead. The statistics are notable, however it doesn’t take into account what people who are addicted to alcohol will go through to acquire more of it.
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Although the famous phrase “In the Soviet Union there is no sex” is just a misunderstanding on the part of a participant in a “Spacebridge,” a series of televised dialogues between Soviet and American citizens, it reveals a long tradition of silence and taboo around sex.
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Lyubers were a group of young, white bodybuilders form the oblast of Moscow called Lyuburtsy. They were known to despise anyone who emulated Western culture, or showed any non-Russian individuality at all.
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